Thursday, October 10th

Thursday, October 10th 

Click this link to view next week’s newsletter: October 14-18. Thank you for taking a moment to read the newsletter each week and stay informed.

TOMORROW we will have the Sprinkler Water Party during our recess time at 1:30. Whatever your child wears to school is what they will wear during the party. Make sure they can independently remove these clothes while wet.  Please send clothes that they can independently change into after the party. They won’t have much time to change. All 5 Kindergarten classes have a total of 30 minutes to change before dismissal and we have limited bathroom stalls. Time will be of the essence. Also, please send a pair of shoes in the backpack for your child to wear to the water party. Your child still needs to wear their velcro tennis shoes for the school day.

Report of Learning Folders are coming home today with your child’s 1st Nine weeks Report Card. As discussed at Parent Night our grading scale is 4, 3, 2, 1. Your child will not receive a 4 until the standard has been taught to the full depth of the Kindergarten expectations AND your child has shown consistent mastery of the standard. At this time of the year 2s and 3s are extremely common. Another thing we discussed at Parent Night was that Kindergarten teachers system wide have a rubric to follow when assigning a 4, 3, 2 or 1 for a standard. After reading the Report Card, please do two things. First, sign the report card in the address box on the first page. Second, I would like one parent from each family to complete this Google Form.

Trail of Treats will be on October 28th from 6:00-7:30 pm. PTA is asking for candy donations for this event. Donations will also be collected in the carline on October 11th and 18th. Click on this flyer for more information.