- Columbia Elementary School
- Attendance/Absence Note Procedures
Submitting an Absence Excuse
1. Open the PowerSchool App on your Phone
2. Click on More at the very bottom of the screen right below the 3 dots
3. Click on FORMS
4. Click on Student Absence Form
5. Enter the information, upload document if available, SUBMIT
1. Log into the Parent Portal Account on your computer (https://madisoncs.
powerschool.com/public )2. Click on FORMS in the left Navigation Bar
3. Click on the Student Absence Form
4. Enter the information, upload document if available, SUBMIT
If you do not yet have a PowerSchool SIS Parent Portal Account or have any questions; please contact the registrar at your school.
CES Registrar - Dana Herwig dkherwig@madisoncity.k12.al.us
* Please do NOT submit check in or check out excuses through your portal. This new system is ONLY for all-day absences. Once you have checked your student in or out using the iPad in the front office, that is all that is needed.* Please be patient as we work with this new system. You may receive automated emails, voicemails, or texts saying your student has an unexcused absence. If you know that you have submitted a daily excuse via your parent portal or signed your student in/out at the front office using the iPad, please know that we are working to update attendance records. Updating may take up to 72 hours.* If you do not have a parent portal or if you need your password reset, please email: dkherwig@madisoncity.k12.al.us