- Bob Jones High School
- Meet the Teacher
Intermediate Drama Syllabus
Intermediate Drama Syllabus- Fall 2020- Virtural Learning.pdf 66.73 KB (Last Modified on August 7, 2020)
All About Mary Davis

Phone: (256) 772-2547
Degrees and Certifications:
2001 University of Alabama, Huntsville English/Language Arts
Mrs. Mary Davis
Hello! I am a teacher by choice because I believe it is a calling and not a career. I love my students, and pour into their lives, trying to give them an understanding and appreciation for the theatrical arts, while having lots of fun! Dwayne Craft and I team teach Advanced Production, but we honestly collaborate for every level class. We have a true working partnership. The goal of this department is to enable students to acquire the skills they will need in the real world: working in groups, thinking out of the box, clear communication, poise/confidence in front of others, and the ability to interview effectively. Our students learn these skills through in-class (and virtual) theatre games, activities, competitions, and performances.
I began teaching Theatre in 2001 (in a different school system) and transferred to be a Patriot Player at Bob Jones High School in 2005. I always teach Beginning and Intermediate Drama, and periodically teach an Advanced Drama class. I also co-teach Advanced Production with Mr. Craft all year. I am the Artistic Director of the bi-annual spring musical.
I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Bill, for 23 years, and we have four beautiful children; Serena (attends UNA), Katie Beth (BJ senior), Joe (DMS 8th grade), and Bella Rose (DMS 7th grade). We attend Summit Crossing Community Church.