NEHS logo

    "The National English Honor Society (NEHS), founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, is the only international organization exclusively for high school students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments. Individual high schools are invited to petition for a local chapter, through which individuals may be inducted into Society membership. Immediate benefits of affiliation include international recognition, scholarship eligibility, and opportunities for international networking with others who share enthusiasm for, and accomplishment in, the language arts." 


    Source: NEHS Website


    Sponsor: Mrs. Elizabeth Cairns


    Sponsor Email:



    Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month. Morning meetings begin promptly at 7:45 AM in Mrs. Cairns' room (S219). Afternoon meetings begin at 3:35 PM in Mrs. Cairns' room. 



    Dues are $40 and should be paid during or before a student's senior year of membership.



    Membership is open to any student, sophomore or higher, with a 3.5 English GPA, a 3.0 overall GPA, and no disciplinary infractions and/or academic misconduct on their record. Applications are available early in the Fall semester with an Induction Ceremony held in October. Students must complete at least 6 service hours and the academic requirements to maintain their membership in this society.