- James Clemens High School
- Latin Honors Homepage

Please click on the JCHS Latin Honor Society Constitution for qualifications and duties of active members. You may also visit the website for the National organization, NJCL, for information about Honor Society at njcl.org
Typical duties of members include tutoring Latin students throughout each semester, participating in the World Language Honor Society Induction Ceremony, and possibly completing some community service in conjunction with Latin Club or other school service events.
Due to scheduling this year and COVID-19 concerns, I am still unsure if we will provide tutoring services.
Members are inducted into the Latin Honor Society in the spring semester if they have met qualifications and pay dues. Members previously inducted are still included in the Honor Society throughout their high school careers, though members can become at risk of being expelled from honor socity if qualifications and duties are not upheld throughout their school careers.
If you are unsure whether you are a current member or not, please email me at ashratter@madisoncity.k12.al.us or come see me in C220
Meetings 2021-2022
If you have been inducted into the Latin Honor Society, I will contact you soon through school email to discuss holding our first meeting to discuss future meetings and actvities for this school year.
Magistra Shratter
Latin teacher and Latin Club and Latin Honor Socity Sponsor
Please contact me at ashratter@madisoncity.k12.al.us if you have any questions. The Latin Honor Society Constitution, including qualifications, is linked below.
If you meet the requirements and wish to join the National Latin Honor Society for the 2020-2021 school year, please fill out the form linked below!