• Welcome to the RPG Club! This club is geared around tabletop role playing games. This club is open to anyone who is interested in learning how to play or to the veterans of rpgs. Students will learn the rules of the game, create characters, and role play through each session. Students have a great opportunity to learn team work, creative writing and character development, and improvisational choices. Role playing games offer unique opportunities to explore ideas and develop empathy. 



        Meeting Location: Media Center

        Meeting Time: Friday 3:30-5:00

        Pickup Location: Front of school in car loop


  • RPG club will not meet today. Have a great weekend!

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  • RPG Club will be on Friday, October 11. However, Coach Smith will not be there. If you are in his group, you do not have to go to RPG Club or you can sit at other tables and watch other groups, or you can work on your characters and backstories.

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  • If you have any questions, contact Coach Smith or Ms. Daughtry.