
    Madison City Friends Activities

    -Monthly Activities and monthly student run meetings

    -Leadership Opportunities

    -Lifelong friendships

    -Opportunities to be a peer buddy or an auxillary buddy who would just like to help our cause



    You can become a part of our Leadership team in this student run organization. Titles of these roles are President Secretary, Treasurer, etc.

    Responsibilities would include attending planning sessions, being a MCF, attending events and setting a good example.

    What is expected of me?

    As a Madison City Friend, you are committing to create and maintain a friendship. When joining a program, you are matched with a peer in your school or community with similar interests.

    All friendship pairs are expected to talk once a week and see each other twice a month. This can mean talking on the phone, sending texts, or catching up online. When you plan to see each other, plan to do something you both enjoy. This can mean hanging out with your school chapter, going to campus events together, or doing community activities, like going to the movies or out to dinner.

    Basically, when you become a MCF, you are committing to making a new friend and having fun together. This can happen in all sorts of ways.